Kung Fu The Movie (1986)

Kung Fu The Movie

Title: Kung Fu The Movie

Release Date: 1986-02-01

Genres: Drama, Western, Action

Runtime: 89 minutes

Status: Released


His power, his strength and his past are the secrets he'll kill to keep.

Watch Kung Fu The Movie full movie for free. Released in 1986, Kung Fu The Movie movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In his travels, Caine meets up with an old man who has several surprises for him. The first being the destruction of the Shaolin order, the second being that the man is the father of the Emperor's nephew whom he killed in China, and the third is that he seeks his revenge using the son Caine never knew he had sired as the instrument of his death. It will take all of Caine's skill and wisdom to find a solution to this deadly predicament.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Kung Fu The Movie a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


David Carradine, Kerrie Keane, Mako, William Lucking, Luke Askew, Keye Luke, Benson Fong, Brandon Lee, Martin Landau


Durrell Royce Crays, Richard Lang, Robert Seaman, Lalo Schifrin, Ronald R. Grow, Skip Schoolnik, Paul R. Picard, Larry L. Fuentes, Skip Schoolnik, Skip Ward, David Carradine

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kung fu, shaolin kung fu, kung fu master

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