The Green Pine Tree (1983)
Title: The Green Pine Tree
Release Date: 1983-08-27
Runtime: 130 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Green Pine Tree full movie for free. Released in 1983, The Green Pine Tree movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In 1910, Korea suffers the humiliation of being annexed by Japan. Young patriots form an independence group called Bukrogun Jeongseo. General Kim Jwa-jin as well as freedom fighters such as Lee Bum-suk, Na Jung-jo are burning with nationalistic spirit. Japan takes over Manchuria. In order to destroy the freedom fighters, Japan employs the Manchurian bandit, Jang Jak-rim, and starts plotting their destruction. Risking their lives, the freedom fighters engage in a bloody battle at Chungsan-ri under the extraordinary leadership and burning patriotism of General Kim Jwa-jin. Despite being greatly outnumbered, the freedom fighters are triumphant.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Green Pine Tree a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Shin Il-ryong, Kim Ki-joo, Park Am, Kim Gi-jong, Kim Seok-hun, Jin Yoo-young, Kim Wun-ha, Lee Bo-hee, Yoon Yang-ha
Jo Kyeong-hwa, Kim Won-du, Seo Jeong-min, Kim Hui-su, Lee Jang-ho, Min-seob Jeong, Jo Kyeong-hwa
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