Last Dance (1996)
Title: Last Dance
Release Date: 1996-05-02
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 103 minutes
Status: Released
Sometimes justice is a crime
Watch Last Dance full movie for free. Released in 1996, Last Dance movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $5 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Upon taking a new job, young lawyer Rick Hayes is assigned to the clemency case of Cindy Liggett, a woman convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death. As Hayes investigates the background for her case, the two begin to form a deep friendship, while all the while the date for her execution draws nearer.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Last Dance a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sharon Stone, Rob Morrow, Randy Quaid, Peter Gallagher, Jack Thompson, Jayne Brook, Pamala Tyson, Skeet Ulrich, Don Harvey, Diane Sellers, Patricia French, Jeffrey Buckner Ford, Dave Hager, Christine Cattell, Peg Allen, Peggy Walton-Walker, Deena Dill, Diana Taylor, Mimi Craven, John Cunningham, Randy Hresko, Charlotte Hackman
Steven Haft, John Stoddart, Ron Koslow, Chuck Binder, Mark Isham, Monroe Kelly, John H. Anderson, Richard Luke Rothschild, Shari Rhodes, Joseph Middleton, Ron Koslow, Steven Haft, Peter James, Colleen Kelsall, John Bloom, Bruce Beresford, Jason White, Terry Arthur
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prison, tattoo, detective, murder, rural area, lawyer, death, golf club