Crazywise (2017)
Title: Crazywise
Release Date: 2017-06-06
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 82 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Crazywise full movie for free. Released in 2017, Crazywise movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Western culture treats mental disorders primarily through biomedical psychiatry, but filmmakers Phil Borges and Kevin Tomlinson reveal a growing movement of professionals and survivors who are forging alternative treatments that focus on recovery and turning mental “illness” into a positive transformative experience.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Crazywise a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Phil Borges, Adam Gentry, Rob Gentry, Jodi Gentry, Ron Zuelzke, Erica Miller, Ekhaya Esima, Robert Whitaker, Allen J. Frances, Dwayne Stone, Thupten Ngodrup, Sandra Ingerman, Roger Walsh, Gabor Maté, Will Hall, Peter Gøtzsche, Daniel J. Siegel, Mia Davis, Tren Childs, Sara Pelfrey, Makia Oaks, Robert Thurman, Joan Halifax, John Read, Alberto Villoldo, James Baraz, Angeles Arrien, Carroll Dunham, Krista MacKinnon, Stanislav Grof, Laura Delano Duncan, Yeye Gogo Nana, Ethan Montgomery
Julee Geier, Mark Titus, John Davidson, Sandy Jeglum, Judy Kaplan, Rudy Yuly, Debra Thompson-Harvey, Judy Kaplan, Sandy Jeglum, Sandy Jeglum, Sandy Jeglum, John Buroker, Joe Smith, Rajesh Krishnan, Debra Thompson-Harvey, John Staczek, Debra Thompson-Harvey, Jodi Gentry, Kevin Tomlinson, Darren Lund, Kevin Tomlinson, Debra Thompson-Harvey, Phil Borges, Judy Kaplan, Debra Thompson-Harvey, Jason Reid, Eric Frith, Julee Geier, Phil Borges
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indigenous, mental illness