The Trouble with Girls (1969)
Title: The Trouble with Girls
Release Date: 1969-06-24
Genres: Comedy, Music, Romance
Runtime: 97 minutes
Status: Released
Elvis crosses the country...into trouble! trouble! trouble!
Watch The Trouble with Girls full movie for free. Released in 1969, The Trouble with Girls movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Chautauqua manager Walter Hale and his loyal business manager struggle to keep their traveling troupe together in small town America.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Trouble with Girls a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Elvis Presley, Marlyn Mason, Nicole Jaffe, Sheree North, Edward Andrews, John Carradine, Anissa Jones, Vincent Price, Joyce Van Patten, Pepe Brown, Dabney Coleman, Bill Zuckert, Pitt Herbert, Scooter Teague, Med Flory, Robert Nichols, Helene Winston, Kevin O'Neal, Frank Welker, John Rubinstein, Charles Briles, Patsy Garrett, Linda Sue Risk, Charles Thompson, Leonard Rumery, William M. Paris, Kathleen Rainey, Hal Pederson, Mike Wagner, Frank Parker, Duke Snider, Joe Esposito, William H. O'Brien, Susan Olsen, Jerry Schilling
Peter Tewksbury, Arnold Peyser, Lois Peyser, Day Keene, Dwight V. Babcock, Mauri Grashin, Wilson McCarthy, Lester Welch, Jacques R. Marquette, George W. Brooks, Edward C. Carfagno, George W. Davis, Henry Grace, Jack Mills, Bill Thomas, Mary Keats, John Truwe, William Tuttle, Robert Vreeland, John Clarke Bowman, Franklin Milton, Jonathan Lucas, Billy Strange, Robert B. Shepard
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tent, lecture, chautauqua