The Stolen Sun (1943)

The Stolen Sun

Title: The Stolen Sun

Release Date: 1943-01-25

Genres: Animation

Runtime: 11 minutes

Status: Released


Watch The Stolen Sun full movie for free. Released in 1943, The Stolen Sun movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The sun is shining in the sky. Flowers are revealed, birds sing, animals take care of others. Only an evil crocodile who could not catch anyone, attacks the sun and swallows it. It is darkness. The animals in a panic run to the bear and ask to return the sun to the sky. The bear, who in the dark could not find the cubs, goes to war with the crocodile. The bear engages in battle, wins the crocodile and forces him to free the sun. Happy beasts rejoice in the sun and praise the bear.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Stolen Sun a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.



Emmanuil Dvinskiy, Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Yuriy Nikolskiy, Serafim Renskiy, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaya, Korney Chukovsky, Evgeniy Migunov, Anatoliy Sazonov, Nikolay Voinov, N. Sokolov, Artur Bergengrin, Roman Davydov, Grigoriy Kozlov, Faina Epifanova, Tatyana Fyodorova, Lev Pozdneyev, N. Vereschyagina, Olga Gemmerling, Galina Nevzorova, Vera Rodzhero, Valentina Suteeva, Elena Tannenberg, Irina Troyanova

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