Galih & Ratna (2017)

Galih & Ratna

Title: Galih & Ratna

Release Date: 2017-03-09

Genres: Drama, Romance

Runtime: 112 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Galih & Ratna full movie for free. Released in 2017, Galih & Ratna movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Two teenagers face demands from their families that do not care about what they want. They only have each other to encourage and pursue their dreams.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Galih & Ratna a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Refal Hady, Sheryl Sheinafia, Marissa Anita, Hengky Tornando, Ayu Dyah Pasha, Joko Anwar, Sari Koeswoyo, Indra Birowo, Stella Lee, Rain Chudori, Agra Piliang, Anggis Dinda, Anneqe Bunglon, Kavin Arsshiddiq, Brian Calvin, Iman Brotoseno, Nazira C. Noer, Reza Rachman, Sanca Khatulistiwa, Adhiani Fiqri Zwagery, Adisty Sekar H., Alivia Zyllanrova, Annisa Noviera Intan, Annisa Luthfiani, Arawinda Kirana, Chicco Kurniawan, Claudia Murrin, Deni Saputra, Frederik Alexander, Gladhys E. Syahutari, Graziella, Inge Dianita Dewi, Jiofani Andre Lubis, Lucia Vania Vica Natalia, M. Rifqi Aldrian, Nabyl Raditya, Nusa Kalimasada, Phoebe Hartono, Rania Aurelia, Raolel M. Surbakti, Shintia Ramira S., Vicky Kalea, Vito Talani, Widia Eriyanti, Wulan Sohora, Abdee Negara, The Friday, Rano Karno, Yessy Gusman, Indra Bekti, Maera Panigoro, Papah Edwan, Sulung Landung, Triawan Munaf, Wilza Lubis


Lucky Kuswandi, Sendi Sugiharto, Fathan Todjon, Ninin Musa, Amalia T. S., Lucky Kuswandi, Arifin Cu'unk

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