Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde (1993)
Title: Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde
Release Date: 1993-08-27
Genres: Drama, Action
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde full movie for free. Released in 1993, Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The Bonnie & Clyde story is re-told from a contemporary viewpoint. Clyde in this movie is a high school nerd working in the local burger joint. Urges to steal things are inflamed when he runs into Bonnie, the bored daughter of the local police commissioner, who is running with a street gang led by Kirk. Clyde immediately senses a kindred spirit in Bonnie. Initially she ignores him, but he rescues her from a shop-lifting charge and offers her a ride in a stolen van. Soon the two have taken guns from her father's home and go off on a bloody crime spree...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maureen Flannigan, Scott Wolf, Bentley Mitchum, Tom Bower, Don Novello, Elizabeth Martin, Tahlia Davis, Robyn Adamson
Steve Jankowski, John Shepphird, John Shepphird, Menahem Golan, Brent White, Neal Brown, Terry Plumeri, Steve Jankowski, Paul Nibley
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