Heads Together (2016)
Title: Heads Together
Release Date: 2016-10-26
Genres: Animation, Family
Runtime: 21 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Heads Together full movie for free. Released in 2016, Heads Together movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Three friends with different cultural origins find an abandoned washing machine while playing. To their shock, they find out that the washing machine has strange powers: their heads are swapped by sticking them in the washing machine. When it turns out their heads can't be swapped back, they must go back home with each other's heads. Because their households have very different habits and traditions, they end up in awkard situations. Through these situations, they learn a lot of new things about each other.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Heads Together a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Nasrdin Dchar, Steye van Dam, Paulien Cornelisse, Fockeline Ouwerkerk, Iliass Ojja, Sabri Saad El-Hamus, Margo Dames, Chris Bajema, Lex Verschuuren, Johannes Sigmond, Job Roggeveen
Joris Oprins, Marieke Blaauw, Job Roggeveen, Happy Camper, Pita de Leeuw, Lex Tilleman, Martijn Groeneveld, Marieke Blaauw, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Lotte Tabbers, Job Roggeveen, Jeroen Nadorp, Anna van der Staak, Joris Oprins, Eric Smilde, Yoshi Klarenbeek, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Ruth Taylor, Marleen Slot, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Marieke Blaauw, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Marieke Blaauw, DaniƩla de Lange, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, Marieke Blaauw, Marieke Blaauw
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friendship, multiculturalism, washing machine, short film, friend