The Alligator People (1959)

The Alligator People

Title: The Alligator People

Release Date: 1959-07-16

Genres: Science Fiction, Horror

Runtime: 74 minutes

Status: Released


Nerve-shattering terror!

Watch The Alligator People full movie for free. Released in 1959, The Alligator People movie was made with a budget of $300,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Under therapeutic hypnosis, a seemingly well-adjusted young woman tells a fantastic story, verified by lie detector, of her forgotten marriage to a man who disappeared on the day of their honeymoon, and of her search for him which takes her to a lonely mansion in a remote section of swampland tenanted by snakes, alligators, a drunken one-armed lout, a mysterious doctor, and a cold-hearted elderly woman who lives alone in a brooding manse.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Alligator People a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Beverly Garland, Bruce Bennett, Lon Chaney Jr., George Macready, Frieda Inescort, Richard Crane, Douglas Kennedy, Bill Bradley, Hal K. Dawson, Dudley Dickerson, John Frederick, Ruby Goodwin, Ken Kane, Boyd Stockman, Vince Townsend Jr., Lee Warren


Roy Del Ruth, Harry Gerstad, Lyle R. Wheeler, Jack Leewood, John B. Mansbridge, Orville H. Hampton, Joseph Kish, Charles O'Neal, Walter M. Scott, Eve Newing, Karl Struss, Irving Gertz, Orville H. Hampton, Ben Nye, Arthur Cornell, William McCrary, Herbert E. Mendelson, Herbert E. Mendelson, George Westenhiser, Fred Etcheverry, Bob Bryant, Ollie Hughes, Mary Coleman, W.D. Flick, Harry Gerstad, Orven Schanzer, Dick Smith

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mutant, alligator, swamp, absurd, cliché

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