Ekskul (2006)
Title: Ekskul
Release Date: 2006-05-18
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 109 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Ekskul full movie for free. Released in 2006, Ekskul movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Joshua, a high school student, is a troubled adolescent. At school, he was the object of ridicule of Mike and his gang. He was hung on the school's fence and his head was pushed down the toilet. At home, he was often beaten by his father and scolded by his mother for no apparent reason. His parents would be furious for his slightest mistake. Katie pursued Josh only to make fun of him. So Josh felt humiliated when Katie was also dated Mike's friend. Josh became more withdrawned and with the student counselor, he cannot express his feelings. Only Shabina, the daughter of the police captain, Margono, understands him. Then he bought a homemade pistol and plots revenge. He holds hostage his six friends who have insulted him, including Mike and Katie, in the school.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Ekskul a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Ramon Y. Tungka, Sheila Marcia, Metha Yunatria, Indra Brasco, Inong Ayu, Samuel Zylgwyn Heckenbücker, Teguh Leo, Gabriel Martianie, Mira Hera Waty, Anggi Julivan Persada, Pipip Sasati, Tizza Radia, Boogie Samudra, Erly Ashy, Adri Sihaan, Agung Kurniawan, Stanley, Wahyudi Cahyadi, Ronald Lube, Putri Crismalda, Ikhsan Samiaji, Fadly, Alvin Adam, Olga Lydia, Mona Ratuliu
Nayato Fio Nuala, Shankar RS, Kristuadji Legopranowo, Liesyanti, Hornady Setiawan, Azis Natandra, Eric Dewantoro, Eka Dimitri Sitorus, Djie Peng, Dimas Aji, Koesnadi WS Rogojampi, Sabdo, Hamim Iqon Alpharabi, Diandini Karlina, Marcia Raharjo, Alan Romeo Wijaya, Saptadji, Chiska Doppert, Freddy Adi Kurniawan, Sarifudin, Chalik Ryan, Sobry, Agus Riady, Agus Ramadani, Juliati Avinah, Azis Natandra, Elisabeth Dewi, Dani Hermawan, Nayato Fio Nuala, Badiel Revaldo
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