Sugar Cane Alley (1983)
Title: Sugar Cane Alley
Release Date: 1983-09-21
Genres: Drama, Family
Runtime: 103 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Sugar Cane Alley full movie for free. Released in 1983, Sugar Cane Alley movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Martinique, in the early 1930s. Young José and his grandmother live in a small village. Nearly everyone works cutting cane and barely earning a living. The overseer can fine a worker for the smallest infraction. The way to advance is to do well in school. José studies hard and succeeds in an exam allowing him to attend school in the capital. With only a partial scholarship, the tuition is very costly. José and his grandmother move to Fort-de-France to make José's studies easier...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sugar Cane Alley a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Garry Cadenat, Darling Légitimus, Douta Seck, Joby Barnabé, Francisco Charles, Marie-Ange Farot
Euzhan Palcy, Euzhan Palcy, Francis Baldos, Pierre Excoffier, Dominique Roy, Mireille Leroy, Jacky Kretz, Jean-Louis Lebras, François Nadal, Michel Commo, Joseph Zobel, Jean-Luc Ormières, Dominique Chapuis, Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte, Hoang Thanh At, Isabelle Filleul, Marie-France Vassel, Christine Renaud, Fred Runel, Pierre Befve, Yves Osmu
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poverty, martinique, grandmother, woman director, 1930s