Maten al León (1977)
Title: Maten al León
Release Date: 1977-01-27
Genres: Drama, Adventure, Comedy
Runtime: 129 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Maten al León full movie for free. Released in 1977, Maten al León movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A pilot is called back to his homeland, the Latin American republic of Arepa, by the rich islanders to participate in a complot to kill the dictator known as El León (The Lion).
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Maten al León a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
David Reynoso, Jorge Rivero, Julián Pastor, Carlos Augusto Cestero, Carlos Rodil, Mona Marti, Roberto Rivera Negrón, Julia Marichal, Víctor Arrillaga, Samuel Molina, Roberto Gandara, Jorge Zamora, Paco Morayta, Lucy Gallardo, Ernesto Gómez Cruz, Luis de Tejada, Luis Vera, Luis R. Llanos, María Pérez, William Alequin, Adela Villamil, Guillermo Orea, Marta Zamora, Enrique Lucero, Carlos Augusto Cestero, Manuel Medel, Francisco Llopis, Farnesio de Bernal, Ricardo Fuentes, Paco Morayta, Ana Ofelia Murguía, Jorge Fegán, Ramón Barragán, Mario García González, Carlos Riquelme, Roberto Lewis, Ramiro Orci, Raúl Quijada, Fernando Pinkus, Tamara Garina, Luis de Tejada, Patricio Castillo, Roberto Dumont
José Estrada, Héctor López, Joaquín Gutiérrez Heras, Gabriel Figueroa, Jorge Fernández, Enrique Estévez, Adalberto López, José Estrada, Juan José Marino, Federico Castillo, Manuel Santaella, Diego de la Texera, Jorge Ibargüengoitia
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