Saturday With Dad (2016)

Saturday With Dad

Title: Saturday With Dad

Release Date: 2016-07-05

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 103 minutes

Status: Released


Even Though He is Gone, Father Will Always be There

Watch Saturday With Dad full movie for free. Released in 2016, Saturday With Dad movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Gunawan had a wife, Itje, and two small children, Satya and Cakra. Their lives changed when Gunawan found out he only had one more year to live. Gunawan decided that death would not limit him from loving both children.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Saturday With Dad a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Abimana Aryasatya, Ira Wibowo, Acha Septriasa, Arifin Putra, Deva Mahenra, Sheila Dara, Ernest Prakasa, Jennifer Arnelita, Rendy Kjaernett, Tri Yudiman, Tuti Kembang Mentari, Farras Fatik, Reza Harmen, Claudia Munteanu, Henky Solaiman, Mongol Stres, Poppy Sovia, Diaz Ardiawan


Monty Tiwa, Adhitya Mulya, Ody Mulya Hidayat, D.D. Putranto, Adhitya Mulya, Yoen K, Rollie Markiano, Adhitya Mulya, Sudiadi Chang, Ryan Purwoko, Monty Tiwa, Ika Muliana, Angga Prasetyo, Bhutet Erlina, Sumarsono, Andhika Triyadi, Nita Yanuarti, Putri Hermansjah, Rinie May, Dimas Projosujadi, Nuni Nuchman, Adi Molana Machmud, Adityawan Susanto, Luqman Saputra, Aldie Harra, Alvin Witarsa, Askan Larepand, Luqman Saputra, Alvin Witarsa

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