Lupin the Third: Italian Game (2016)
Title: Lupin the Third: Italian Game
Release Date: 2016-01-08
Genres: Action, Adventure, Animation, Crime, Comedy, TV Movie
Runtime: 91 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Lupin the Third: Italian Game full movie for free. Released in 2016, Lupin the Third: Italian Game movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Lupin investigates the kidnapping of a former love in Italy, and is drawn into a game with an unknown enemy.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lupin the Third: Italian Game a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Kanichi Kurita, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Miyuki Sawashiro, Daisuke Namikawa, Koichi Yamadera, Yukiyo Fujii, Jin Yamanoi, Shunsuke Sakuya, Shinshu Fuji, Mitsuaki Kanuka, Kenjiro Tsuda, Bin Shimada, Unsho Ishizuka, Atsushi Miyauchi, Hiroshi Tsuchida, Hajime Odagiri, Kazutoshi Azuma, Hidemitsu Shimizu
Yuji Ohno, Kazuyasu Mine, Yuichiro Yano, Kazuhide Tomonaga, Masahiro Nakamoto, Erina Harada, Kazuhiko Kato, Kazuhiko Kato, Satoru Utsunomiya, Kazuhide Tomonaga, Tomoyuki Niho, Satoru Utsunomiya
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