The Railroad Lady (2016)

The Railroad Lady

Title: The Railroad Lady

Release Date: 2016-08-05

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Runtime: 30 minutes

Status: Released


Sometimes life seems to pass at 300 km/h

Watch The Railroad Lady full movie for free. Released in 2016, The Railroad Lady movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Elise Lafontaine has a secret routine. Every morning and evening for many years, she has been waving at the express train that passes her house. One fateful day, she finds a letter from the train conductor in her garden and her lonely life is turned upside down. She engages in a promising correspondence through poetic and thoughtful letters where the two anonymous writers share their worlds with each other. But Elise’s fairytale is cut short when the train line permanently detours for a shorter route to Paris. Not willing to do without her daily delight, Elise prompts a daring escape from her comfort zone and sets out to find the train conductor.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Railroad Lady a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Jane Birkin, Julie Dray, Lucien Guignard, Manuela Biedermann, Mathieu Bisson, Viola von Scarpatetti, Gilles Tschudi, Nicolas Heini, Dorin Dragos


Timo von Gunten, Timo von Gunten, Bela Böke, Giacun Caduff, Jean de Meuron, Giles Foreman, Diego Baldenweg, Lionel Baldenweg, Nora Baldenweg, Nausheen Dadabhoy, Marcel Jetzer, Timo von Gunten, Swan Pham, Salome Jermann, Catherine Schneider, Valérie Beaudenuit, Laura Moser, Jacques Kieffer

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