Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc (2017)
Title: Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc
Release Date: 2017-09-06
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc full movie for free. Released in 2017, Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $3,600 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
France, 1425. In the midst of the Hundred Years’ War, the young Jeannette, at the still tender age of 8, looks after her sheep in the small village of Domremy. One day, she tells her friend Hauviette how she cannot bear to see the suffering caused by the English. Madame Gervaise, a nun, tries to reason with the young girl, but Jeannette is ready to take up arms for the salvation of souls and the liberation of the Kingdom of France. Carried by her faith, she will become Joan of Arc.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lise Leplat Prudhomme, Jeanne Voisin, Lucile Gauthier, Victoria Lefebvre, Aline Charles, Élise Charles, Nicolas Leclaire, Gery De Poorter
Bruno Dumont, Bruno Dumont, Philippe Decouflé, Charles Péguy, Gautier Serre, Guillaume Deffontaines, Jean Bréhat, Bruno Dumont, Basile Belkhiri, Clément Morelle, Charles Péguy, Rachid Bouchareb, Muriel Merlin
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france, musical, biography, hundred years' war, joan of arc, 15th century, jeanne d'arc