29 Acacia Avenue (1945)
Title: 29 Acacia Avenue
Release Date: 1945-05-01
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 83 minutes
Status: Released
Watch 29 Acacia Avenue full movie for free. Released in 1945, 29 Acacia Avenue movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The Robinsons are two respectable middle class parents living with their children in a suburban house in Acacia Avenue. Preferring to holiday every year in Bognor, they are pressed into booking a cruise for their annual vacation and thereby leaving their teenage children free run of their house. As the youngsters enjoy their newfound freedom and discover the angst of teenage life, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson begin to have second thoughts about their cruise and decide to return home early.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made 29 Acacia Avenue a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Gordon Harker, Betty Balfour, Jimmy Hanley, Carla Lehmann, Jill Evans, Henry Kendall, Dinah Sheridan, Megs Jenkins, Noele Gordon, Guy Middleton, Aubrey Mallalieu, Hubert Gregg
Henry Cass, Sydney Box, Sydney Box, Muriel Box, Denis Constanduros, Mabel Constanduros, Compton Bennett, Clifton Parker, Robert Huke, Julian Wintle, James A. Carter, Dorothy Sinclair, Nell Taylor, Knox Laing, Bert Dorsett, Bert Mason, Eric Gray, Muir Mathieson, George Burgess, L. Clark, Ernest Palmer
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cruise, english middle class