Beach Red (1967)
Title: Beach Red
Release Date: 1967-08-03
Genres: War, Drama
Runtime: 103 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Beach Red full movie for free. Released in 1967, Beach Red movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
American troops storm ashore on a Japanese-held island and push inland while their enemies plan a counterattack in this look at warfare. Soldiers on both sides are haunted by memories of home and the horrifying, sickening images they find in combat.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Beach Red a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Cornel Wilde, Rip Torn, Burr DeBenning, Patrick Wolfe, Jean Wallace, Jaime Sánchez, Dale Ishimoto, Genki Koyama, Gene Blakely, Michael Parsons, Norman Pak, Dewey Stringer, Fred Galang, Hiroshi Kiyama, Linda Albertano, Michio Hazama
Cornel Wilde, Peter Bowman, Clint Johnston, Don Peterson, Cornel Wilde, Cornel Wilde, Cecil Cooney, Frank P. Keller, Marvin Paige, Francisco Balangue
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