Looping (2016)
Title: Looping
Release Date: 2016-08-25
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 106 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Looping full movie for free. Released in 2016, Looping movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Three women, three different stories, one room in a psychiatric clinic. A strong and tumultuous relationship erupts among them, evolving into an energetic, honest and erotic bond. This takes them to a point where their hopes may be fulfilled… in very different ways.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Looping a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Jella Haase, Lana Cooper, Marie-Lou Sellem, Markus Hering, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Maximilian Klas, Christian Kuchenbuch, Joseph Bundschuh, Henning Peker, Svantje Wascher, Anisah Yogapathy, Teresa Schergaut, Hanna Sibilski, Hermann Rohner, Amayas El Hardonz, Cyrus David, Ilona Schulz, Gro Swantje Kohlhof, Maxie Grossmann, Wita von Websky, Nadine Wall, Mark Schröder, Helena Zengel, Juliane Gabriel, Isabel Schosnig, Antje Hartmann, Joachim Schoenfeld, Maelle Giovanetti-Metzger, Violet Greene, Peter Marty, Gabi Herz, Elisa Mattioli, Julia Kalunzny, Roswitha Selle, Katharina Dix-Bertz, Ella Biegai, Karin Fiedler, Anja Lehmann, Elisabeth Jänsch, Julia Swiech, Jennifer Schmid
Leonie Krippendorff, Leonie Krippendorff, Jost Hering, Jihyeon Park, Jieun Yi, Lena Nienaber, Tomoko Okada, Tammy Ingram, Sophia Kuhn
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