Fresh Kill (1996)
Title: Fresh Kill
Release Date: 1996-01-12
Genres: Science Fiction, Drama
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Eco Cyber Noia.
Watch Fresh Kill full movie for free. Released in 1996, Fresh Kill movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Shareen and Claire, a lesbian couple living on Staten Island, find themselves ensnared in a vast conspiracy involving a ghost ship of nuclear refuse, ominous television commercials, and deadly cat food.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Fresh Kill a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Sarita Choudhury, Pedro Pietri, Ching Gonzalez, Kate Valk, M. Cochise Anderson, Paul Schulze, Marlene Forte, Abraham Lim, Ching Valdes-Aran, Erin McMurtry, Ryohei Hoshi, Will Kempe, Marlies Yearby, James Azor, Paul Lynn Williams, David Ng, Mario Todisco, José Zúñiga, Laurie Carlos, Nelini Stamp, Ron Vawter, Robbie McCauley, Karen Finley, Rino Thunder, DeWarren Moses, Lou Sumrall, Nicky Paraiso, Alva Rogers, Willi Woo, Harry Bowron, Joel Kovel, Lisa Mayo, Amber Villenueva, Foo Shen Hsieh, Lu Yu Liao, Chun Yin Hsieh, Michael Ringer, Elaine Tse, David Henderson, Avis Brown, Jessica Hagedorn, George C. Wolfe, Kaja Sehrt, Ela Troyano
Kira Smith, Dan Appel, Mark Weingarten, Margaret Crimmins, Nancy Deren, Hope Litoff, Dave Samuel, Sally Eccleston, Sean Sheridan, Jeffrey A. Danielson, James J. Ferris, Michael Nino, Annie Tan, Caroline Sinclair, Shari Frilot, Shu Lea Cheang, Amy Tapper, Jennifer Fong, Candice Donnelly, Shu Lea Cheang, Jane Castle, Vernon Reid, Jessica Hagedorn, Lauren Zuckerman
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