Hollywood Hot Tubs (1984)
Title: Hollywood Hot Tubs
Release Date: 1984-09-07
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 103 minutes
Status: Released
Why not work where everybody plays?
Watch Hollywood Hot Tubs full movie for free. Released in 1984, Hollywood Hot Tubs movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
All hilarity breaks loose in this rousing and raucous tale of Hollywood hi-jinks and chicanery as a teenage delinquent turns plumber... and turns up in Hollywood Hot Tubs. After changing the famous "Hollywood" sign to "Hollyweed," Shawn Wright is given a choice of jail or getting a job. He takes a job as a hot tub plumber, and thus begins his arduous adventure into the wild world of sensuous starlets and star-studded parties in bubbling Hollywood tubs.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hollywood Hot Tubs a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Paul Gunning, Donna McDaniel, Michael Andrew, Stafford Morgan, Remy O'Neill, Katt Shea, Edy Williams, Jewel Shepard, Mark Costello, Ann Walker, Read Morgan, Debbie Gilbert, Rex Ryon, Victor Marko, Peter Wilson, Patrick Cochran, Philip Linton, Rick Leiphardt, Florence Schauffler, Maxine Elliott Hicks, Barrie Howard, Jeff Eagle, Suke-Chang Eggitt, Maraika Niwa, Ron Troncatty, Dick Rossner, Becky LeBeau, Danny Wong, Michael Ragsdale, Jeff Austin, Bill McNeal, Joseph Alan Johnson, Christopher Franklin, Paul Bordman, David Gardner, Tina Blum, Hollie Harres, Alexis Schreiner
Michael Harrah, Linda Lee Roberts, Mark Borde, Craig Horrall, Colleen Meeker, Seymour Borde, Kenneth Raich, Joel Goldsmith, Loma Lee Brookbank, Larry Revene, Michael B. Hoggan, Mark Borde, Chuck Vincent, Per Sjostedt, David Larkin, Don Simmons, Barry Pener, Stuart M. Besser, Cindy Erdman, Debbie Bunstock, Jonathan Hauser, Vallie Brown, Trevor Black, Bob Yerington, Richard Leeman, Edward Hirsch, Jennifer Goldsmith, Mike Pinegar, Steve Schklair, Jonathan Sharpe, Tim Pershing, Tom Murphey, David Decarlo, BJ Davis, Gary F. Bentley, De'Ann Power, Tamara Bertsch, John Luker, Suzanne Young, Ann Bartell, Miguel Heded, Sheldon Sanov, Marita Ditmore
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