Carlo and Ester (1994)
Title: Carlo and Ester
Release Date: 1994-03-04
Genres: Drama, Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 103 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Carlo and Ester full movie for free. Released in 1994, Carlo and Ester movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A pair of octogenarians meet, fall in love, and have a passionate love affair, much to the horror of their disapproving children.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Carlo and Ester a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Aksel Rasmussen, Birgitte Federspiel, Erni Arneson, Ruth Maisie, Ingolf David, Waage Sandø, Helle Ryslinge, Gyda Hansen , Ole Hinsch, Preben Aalholt, Lene Vasegaard, Lone Rye, Solveig Sundborg, Bodil Lindorff, Hariet Schmidt, Vibeke Havgesen, Michael Frandsen, Rudie Louise Gümüsk, Tove Hansen, Henrik Møller-Sørensen, Jesper Find, Erik Brandt, Lotte Olsen, Gerda Gilboe
Helle Ryslinge, Sven Wanda Omann, Helle Ryslinge, Jacob Banke Olesen, Birger Møller Jensen
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