Hukkle (2002)


Title: Hukkle

Release Date: 2002-10-24

Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Runtime: 78 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Hukkle full movie for free. Released in 2002, Hukkle movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Using almost no dialogue, the film follows a number of residents (both human and animal) of a small rural community in Hungary – an old man with hiccups, a shepherdess and her sheep, an old woman who may or may not be up to no good, some folk-singers at a wedding, etc. While most of the film is a series of vignettes, there is a sinister and often barely perceptible subplot involving murder.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hukkle a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Ferec Bandi, Józsefné Rácz, Margitai Ági, Eszter Ónodi


György Pálfi, György Pálfi, Gergely Pohárnok, Gábor Marinkás, Csaba Bereczky, András Böhm, Zsófia Ruttkay

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