Châteauroux district (1987)

Châteauroux district

Title: Châteauroux district

Release Date: 1987-08-12

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 85 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Châteauroux district full movie for free. Released in 1987, Châteauroux district movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Reading old letters, a young girl from Châteauroux, Carole, discovers that her father was an American soldier whose regiment was based in town in the 1950s. She will try by all means to find people who remember this period.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Châteauroux district a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Guy Marchand, Nathalie Nell, Anaïs Jeanneret, Edward Meeks, Jérôme Anger, Giuliano Gemma, Jean Bouise, Robert Etcheverry, Elisabeth Sender, Gérard Sergue, Isabelle Sadoyan, Patrick Bordier, Nadia Coulon, Hélène Cohen, Michel Arroyo, Michel Carliez


Magali Fustier-Dray, Robert Fraisse, Philippe Charigot, Serge Franklin, Olivier Morel, Alain Depardieu, Frédéric Duru, Jonathan Liebling

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