The Crescent Moon (2015)
Title: The Crescent Moon
Release Date: 2015-07-15
Genres: Drama, Family, Adventure
Runtime: 93 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Crescent Moon full movie for free. Released in 2015, The Crescent Moon movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
With special agreement with his sister, estranged son agree to accompany his strictly religious father on a journey to seek the crescent moon that signals the start of Eid.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Crescent Moon a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Oka Antara, Deddy Sutomo, Torro Margens, Erythrina Baskoro, Rukman Rosadi, Gunawan Maryanto, Adi Marsono, Ikun Sri Kuncoro, Haydar Salishz, Vanda Mutiara, Sujarwo, M. N. Qomaruddin, Siti Fauziah, Kukuh Prasetya, Whani Darmawan, Adi Marsono, Untung Basuki, Erythrina Baskoro, Ernanta Kusuma, Aditya Nugraha Putra, Lyza Anggraheni, Brilliana Desy Dwinawati, Sri Wahyuni, Delia Nuswantara, Eko Budi Antara, Suryo Adhi Wiyogo, Hasmi, Ibnu Widodo, Watie Wibowo, Alit Jabangbayi, Eddie Cahyono, Alex Suhendra, Freddy Heryanto, Jamaluddin Latif, Bandel Ilyas
Ismail Basbeth, Satria Kurnianto, Ismail Basbeth, Salman Aristo, Hanung Bramantyo, Gina S. Noer, Bagus Bramanti, Raam Punjabi, Putut Widjanarko, Indra Gunawan, Denny JA, Allan Sebastian, Ajish Dibyo, Charlie Meliala, Krisna Purna, Wawan I. Wibowo, Haidar Bagir, Gangsar Sukrisno, Satrio Budiono, Avesina Soebli
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