The Apartment Above (1937)

The Apartment Above

Title: The Apartment Above

Release Date: 1937-02-18

Genres: Comedy, Music, Romance

Runtime: 84 minutes

Status: Released


The Neighbor from the Next Floor

Watch The Apartment Above full movie for free. Released in 1937, The Apartment Above movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Two apartment house dwellers, although unrelated, share the same name. One is an older man with an appreciation for and love of classical music, while the other is a younger man addicted to swing music. The niece of the older man arrives for a visit and gets into the wrong apartment. Complications arise.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Apartment Above a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Eugeniusz Bodo, Helena Grossówna, Józef Orwid, Ludwik Sempoliński, Stanisław Woliński, Czesław Skonieczny, Feliks Chmurkowski, Alina Żeliska, Julian Krzewiński, Stefan Laskowski, Wincenty Łoskot, Mieczysław Bil-Bilażewski, Eugeniusz Koszutski, Ludwik Perski, Aleksander Suchcicki, Kazimierz Szerszyński, Henry Vars


Henry Vars, Seweryn Steinwurzel, Leon Trystan, Ludwik Starski, Eugeniusz Bodo, Emanuel Schlechter, Eugeniusz Bodo, Witold Dybowski, Fryderyk Gawze, Emanuel Schlechter, Ludwik Starski, Jacek Rotmil, Karol Siegel, Ștefan Norris

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classical music, black and white, screwball comedy, lgbt, jazz band, neighbor neighbor relationship

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