Imputato, alzatevi! (1939)

Imputato, alzatevi!

Title: Imputato, alzatevi!

Release Date: 1939-10-18

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 76 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Imputato, alzatevi! full movie for free. Released in 1939, Imputato, alzatevi! movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Cipriano Duval is an Italian who has emigrated to Paris, where he works in a pediatric clinic as a nurse.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Imputato, alzatevi! a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Erminio Macario, Leila Guarni, Ernesto Almirante, Greta Gonda, Enzo Biliotti, Carlo Rizzo, Armando Migliari, Lola Braccini, Arturo Bragaglia, Felice Romano, Lauro Gazzolo, Alessandra Adari, Giulio Alfieri, Bianca Aurora, Stefano Daffinà, Augusto Di Giovanni, Nino Eller, Mario Ersanilli, Anita Farra, Paolo Ferrara, Enzo Gainotti, Giorgio Gentile, Armando Gianni, Nuccia Lenzi, Alfredo Martinelli, Livia Minelli, Lina Tartara Minora, Ori Monteverdi, Mario Ortensi, Nico Pepe, Emilio Petacci, Agostino Salvietti, Flora Volpini


Mario Mattoli, Vittorio Metz, Anacleto Francini, Mario Mattoli, Mario Rappini, Eugenio Fontana, Paolo Moffa, Fernando Tropea, Arturo Gallea, Piero Cocco, Piero Filippone, Vittorio Mascheroni, Vittorio Trentino

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