The Edge of the Earth (1995)
Title: The Edge of the Earth
Release Date: 1995-05-31
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 83 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Edge of the Earth full movie for free. Released in 1995, The Edge of the Earth movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In a small town where nothing ever happens, the inhabitants learn about a place at the edge of the earth where money and women are abundant. When they see the oportunity to go and work illegaly in the United States, they jump at the chance. Meanwhile Andrés and Gregorio go to the town searching for treasures and they only find Matilde, the rest of the women in the town left, tired of waiting for the men to return.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Edge of the Earth a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Jesús Ochoa, Luis Felipe Tovar, Alejandra Prado, Gina Morett, Verónica Langer, Zoraida Gómez, Alicia del Lago, Abel Woolrich, Gabriela Reynoso, Herminio Carrasco, Jesus Araujo Valle, Gastón Melo, Ruben Herrera, Román Valenzuela, Felix de Pablos, Mario Iribe, David Alejandro Escárraga, Iván Castellanos, Álvaro Guerrero, Graciela Moreno Méndez, María Teresa Pérez Manzano, Alejandra Cotiño, Luisa Sánchez, Nelly Castillejo, Habibe Jiménez, Beatriz Jiménez, Hanne Jimenez, Ariadna Sánchez de la Lanza, Fernando Hernández Mata, Héctor Santiago Ramírez, Juan Felipe Martínez, Enrique Monge, Marco Antonio Rivera, Pedro Mendoza, Luis Miguel Simancas, Gilberto Rivera, Jesús Escalona, Camerino Jiménez, Roberto Cruz García, José Hernández Hernández, Óscar Sánchez, Gerónimo Hernández, Hugo Rodríguez, Manuel Bustamante, Luis Margules, Alfredo Chabela, Manuel Jiménez, Leticia Gutiérrez, Olivia Díaz, Erika Licea, Mauro Baltazar
Ignacio Ortiz, Ignacio Ortiz, Menahen Peña, Erando González, Andrea Gentile, Bernardo Jasso, Moisés Ortiz Urquidi, Javier 'Fox' Patrón, Mariana Gironella, José Elorza, Federico Barbabosa, Juan Carlos Prieto, Graciela Moreno Méndez, Oscar Hijuelos, Francisco Casas, Emilia Valencia, Nerio Barberis, Cecilia Escalante, Georgina Balzaretti, Miguel Ángel García, Humberto Hernández, Claudia Cendali, Gabriel Hernández, Julio Bárcenas, Humberto Galindo, José Peña Vilchis, Reyna Hernández, Nerio Barberis, Jesús Romero, Marcos A. Morales, Juan Carlos Prieto, Andrés Franco, Bernardo Jasso, Antonino Isordia, Luis Eduardo Moreno, Fernado García, Nerio Barberis, Margarita Dalton, Gloria Carrasco, Lizete Ponce, Gerónimo Denti Generali, Andrés Franco, Rafael Illescas, Reynaldo González, Jessica Fletcher, José Herrera, María Esther Torres, Luis Schoeder, Francisco Zapata, Guia Pelleschi, Fernando Moreno, Laura Gárdos Velo, Verónica Levy, José Isabel Peña, Tere González, Ricardo Benet, Jose Alberto Hernandez, Antonio Sánchez, Gustavo Montiel Pagés, Gloria Carrasco, Teresa Velo, Sigfrido Barjau, Claudia Becker, Adele Schmidt, Eduardo Iván Soto García, Antonio Riestra, Javier 'Fox' Patrón, Erika Licea, Paca Mayra, Mario Bourguet, Ezzio Avendaño, Gabriela Pérez, Talia Ruiz, Andrea Gentile, Diego López, Héctor Maeshiro, Francisco Zapata, José Luis Herrera
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