The Girl with the Hungry Eyes (1995)
Title: The Girl with the Hungry Eyes
Release Date: 1995-01-01
Genres: Horror
Runtime: 84 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Girl with the Hungry Eyes full movie for free. Released in 1995, The Girl with the Hungry Eyes movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A fashion model in the 1930s, who owns an Art Deco Miami hotel, kills herself when her fiancé is unfaithful to her. 60 years later she returns to life as a vampire, when the hotel is scheduled for demolition. Using her sexuality as bait, she looks for victims.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Girl with the Hungry Eyes a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Christina Fulton, Isaac Turner, Leon Herbert, Bret Carr, Susan Rhodes, Leroy Jones, Omar Martinez, Jon Jacobs, Alix Koromzay, Taylor Clifton, David Colton, Michael Kastenbaum, Adrian Jacobs, Valerie Chafograck, William Anthony, Larry Schaffner, Alexander Bilu, Abby Gennet, Manuel Arteaga, Joseph B. Orr Jr., Janette Emenegger, Philippe Dib, Gary Bristow, Matt Devlen, Ed Aristone, Jackie Weaver, Mike Reich, Cindy Follmer, Marjorie Ridgon, Debra Robins, Scott Robins, Clare Brown, Jed Curtis
Clare Brown, Cassian Elwes, Holly MacConkey, Evelina Diaz, Jon Jacobs, Seth Kastenbaum, Michael Kastenbaum, Christina Fulton, Paul Inder, Fritz Leiber Jr., Jon Jacobs, Craig Robins, Gary Tieche, Rick Giovinazzo, Ethan Holzman
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