Femmes (1983)
Title: Femmes
Release Date: 1983-06-22
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Femmes full movie for free. Released in 1983, Femmes movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alexandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Femmes a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Helmut Berger, Alexandra Stewart, Dirke Altevogt, Tina Sportolaro, Eva Cobo, José Luis de Vilallonga
Tana Kaleya, Tana Kaleya, Jaime Jesús Balcázar, Jaime Jesús Balcázar, Tana Kaleya, Lucien Canezza, Lucien Duval, Yves Dessca, Marc Hillman, Nicole Berckmans, Yves Brover-Rabinovici, Amahi Desclozeaux, Carmen Correa, Dominique Lunel, Carlos Boué, Pierre Espir, Nicky Geebelen, Muriel Saleza, Enrique Esteban, Beatriz Becchero, Victor Kornacki, José Luis Ochoa, Elvire Lerner, Jérôme Lévy, Joan Quilis, Georges Pierre, Michel Thiriet, Catherine Dubeau, Catherine Duval-Adassovsky, Magalie Tate, Federico Canudas, Edmond Séchan
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island, artist, manuscript, older man younger woman relationship, lesbian sex, rite, erotic movie