She's Ramona (2015)

She's Ramona

Title: She's Ramona

Release Date: 2015-06-17

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 80 minutes

Status: Released


Watch She's Ramona full movie for free. Released in 2015, She's Ramona movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Ramona is fat woman with too much weight and barely any luck. She recalls a childhood filled with moral abuse by her mother, sister and friends, calling her silly offensive names referencing her overweight. When she became an adult, things didn’t really get any better. She’s fired for being fat, she wants a liposuction but the doctor informs her she’s not a candidate due to her overweight, and all her universe seems to be collapsing after a series of unfortunate events. But everything will soon get better thanks to some magical beetles she finds in a Tarot café.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made She's Ramona a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Andrea Ortega-Lee, María Rojo, Lila Avilés, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Julio Bekhor, Juan Carlos Colombo, Jimena Guerra, Iván Lipkies Barro, Gabriela Murray, Enrique Arreola, Patricia Garza, Johanna Murillo, Alenka Ríos, Darío T. Pie, Leticia Huijara, Lilia Ortega, Lilia Ortega, Victoria Atayde


Francisco X. Rivera, Gabriel Coll, Laura Pesce, Hugo Rodríguez, Hugo Rodríguez, Hugo Rodríguez, Beto Cohen, Mónica Lozano, Federico Bonasso, Barbara Enriquez

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