Grande Sertão (1965)
Title: Grande Sertão
Release Date: 1965-01-01
Genres: Drama, Action, Western
Runtime: 92 minutes
Status: Released
When God comes, may He bring a gun!
Watch Grande Sertão full movie for free. Released in 1965, Grande Sertão movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Cowboy Riobaldo is attracted to same sex Diadorim, not knowing that "he" is a girl dressed in man's clothes. After Diadorim's father is killed, she swears revenge, being joined by Riobaldo in this mission.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Grande Sertão a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maurício do Valle, Sônia Clara, Zózimo Bulbul, Jofre Soares, Milton Gonçalves, Luigi Picchi, Ivan de Souza, Graça Mello, Gilberto Marques
José Rosa, Rafael Justo Valverde, Geraldo Santos Pereira, Renato Santos Pereira, Gilberto Marques, Renato Santos Pereira, Geraldo Santos Pereira, Renato Santos Pereira, Geraldo Santos Pereira, Guimarães Rosa, Ivan de Souza, Ziraldo, Lucia Erita, Radamés Gnattali
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