Accidental Activist (2013)

Accidental Activist

Title: Accidental Activist

Release Date: 2013-01-02

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 58 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Accidental Activist full movie for free. Released in 2013, Accidental Activist movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Ted and Lynn Murphy lead a simple suburban life. They have three wonderful children, their own small business, and good relationships with friends and neighbors. But that life is turned upside down when Ted signs a petition advocating traditional marriage. It is a small act of civic duty in his mind, but to others in their community it seems like an act of heartless bigotry.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Accidental Activist a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Larry Bukovey, Kristin Wollett, David Mackey, Hannah Malone, Jackson T. Kramer, Kinley Rice, Edith Langston, Jose Lucena Jr., Veryl Jones, C.J. Bacelli, Jill Martin, Christine Geraghty, Marnie Van der Burgt, Ashley Nicole Hutto, Ren Michele, Rodney Luis Aquino


Dave Kramer, Carolyn Gross, D.J. Goller, David Michaud, Daniel Abbott, Jeo Camacho, Nick Colvin, D.J. Goller, D.J. Goller, D.J. Goller, Carla Weaver, Keith Gaynor, Joseph Olandese, Michael Kuzenka, Nicholas Burrell, Lynne Jonsson, Asia LeMasters, Maria Gallagher, Tim Wildmon, Ric La Monte, Maria Gallagher, Michael Regalbuto, Matt Curtis, Sam Siske, Rodney Luis Aquino, Matthew DeBonis, Brian J. Weeks, Gloria Ballard, Cody Foltz, James Hale, Cody Foltz, Jeffrey Blynder, Keith Yantis, Duane Barnhart, Ed Vitagliano, Ed Vitagliano, Michael Regalbuto

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