Hardboiled Egg Time (1958)
Title: Hardboiled Egg Time
Release Date: 1958-03-19
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 75 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Hardboiled Egg Time full movie for free. Released in 1958, Hardboiled Egg Time movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A shy, penniless employee of the garage owner Grillot, the gentle Louis wins $10 million in the lottery. Flitting along the banks of the Seine, he takes in Raoul Grandvivier, an unknown, untalented painter who has just botched a spectacular suicide intended to draw attention to himself. Raoul takes him back to his studio, where he meets his charming daughter Lucie. In order to see Lucie again, with whom he is in love, Louis offers to sell the paintings. In reality, he's the one paying for them, to make it look like a wealthy art lover.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hardboiled Egg Time a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Fernand Gravey, Pierre Mondy, Jacques Dufilho, Darry Cowl, Béatrice Altariba, Julien Carette, Suzanne Dehelly, Denise Carvenne, Gaby Basset, Max Montavon, Daniel Emilfork, Albert Michel, Jacques Marin, Gaston Orbal, Bernard Musson, Jack Ary, Christian Brocard, Julienne Paroli, Marcel Loche, Émile Genevois, Hubert de Lapparent, Jean Sylvain, Raoul Saint-Yves, Laure Paillette, Henri Coutet, Henri Guégan, Pierre Durou, Julien Maffre
Norbert Carbonnaux, Willy Pickardt, Serge de Boissac, Norbert Carbonnaux
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