The People Who Own the Dark (1976)

The People Who Own the Dark

Title: The People Who Own the Dark

Release Date: 1976-10-27

Genres: Horror, Science Fiction

Runtime: 94 minutes

Status: Released


Now ... there is nothing between you and ... "the people who own the dark"

Watch The People Who Own the Dark full movie for free. Released in 1976, The People Who Own the Dark movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The People Who Own the Dark a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Nadiuska, Alberto de Mendoza, Paul Naschy, Maria Perschy, Teresa Gimpera, Emiliano Redondo, Julia Saly, Tomás Picó, Diana Polakov, Antonio Mayans, Ricardo Palacios, Barta Barri, Carmen Platero, Estela Delgado, Gumersindo Andrés, Gonzalo Tejada, Adolfo Thous


Vicente Aranda, José Luis Renedo, Joaquim Jordà i Català, Gabriel Moreno Burgos, León Klimovsky, Salvadore Romero, Miguel Fernández Mila, Soledad López, Tony Pueo, Miguel Asins Arbó, Gabriel Moreno Burgos, Juan Alonso, José Algueró, Mercedes de Segovia

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blindness and impaired vision, insanity, brothel, post-apocalyptic future, castle, mass lunacy, nuclear catastrophe

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