Chinatown Squad (1935)

Chinatown Squad

Title: Chinatown Squad

Release Date: 1935-05-31

Genres: Crime, Action

Runtime: 75 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Chinatown Squad full movie for free. Released in 1935, Chinatown Squad movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Chinatown Squad a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Lyle Talbot, Valerie Hobson, Hugh O'Connell, Andy Devine, Leslie Fenton, Bradley Page, E. Alyn Warren, Clay Clement, Arthur Hoyt, Wallis Clark, Norman Ainsley, King Baggot, Ralph Byrd, Grace Cunard, Jack Daley, Anne Darling, Curley Dresden, Tom Dugan, Edward Earle, Knute Erickson, James Flavin, Sam Flint, Willie Fung, Sumner Getchell, William Gould, Henry Hall, Bert Hanlon, Otis Harlan, Frank Holliday, Boothe Howard, Selmer Jackson, Al Klein, Eddie Lee, James B. Leong, Edward LeSaint, Philo McCullough, Lucille McNames, Toshia Mori, Jack Mulhall, Tom O'Grady, Warner Richmond, Roy Seager, Ruthelma Stevens, Guy Usher


Murray Roth, Lawrence G. Blochman, Dore Schary, Ben Ryan, George Robinson, Frank Gorback, Charles Carroll, Arthur Gerstle, Fred Stoll

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bus driver, chinese, killer

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