Impostors (1969)


Title: Impostors

Release Date: 1969-10-09

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 104 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Impostors full movie for free. Released in 1969, Impostors movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

This grotesque historical film is a caricature of the narrow-minded and careerist oligarchs of the 20s. A young military officer stops the young jurist from killing himself and recommends him to his commander, lieutenant-colonel Doborján as a typist.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Impostors a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Nándor Tomanek, István Iglódi, Margit Bara, Péter Huszti, László Mensáros, Andor Ajtay, Edit Domján, András Bálint, Juhász Jácint, György Kálmán


Félix Máriássy, Pál Prónay, Judit Máriássy, György Illés, Imre Vincze, Zoltánné Kerényi, Tamás Vayer, Jánosné Németh, Judit Schäffer

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