Judgement (1970)


Title: Judgement

Release Date: 1970-04-16

Genres: History, Drama

Runtime: 91 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Judgement full movie for free. Released in 1970, Judgement movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The film is a historic parable about the topicality of revolution. 1514. The peasants' uprising is over, Dózsa has been arrested. Werbőczy tries to get the imprisoned peasant leader deny the revolution and offers him the lives of his people in exchange.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Judgement a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Ferenc Bessenyei, Tamás Major, George Motoi, János Koltai, Ján Jamnický, Klára Sebők, Sára Kiss, András Csiky, Péter Blaskó, Zoltán Vadász, Nicolae Radu, Constantin Rauțchi, Sándor Horváth, Ján Mildner, Július Vašek, Michal Kožuch, Augustín Kubán, František Kabrheľ, Štefan Červeň, Ernest Šmigura, Gáspár Bugar, Ján Brza, László Csendes, Jozef Cibulák, Cyril Čurilla, Jozef Hučala, Ján Chajdiak, Blažej Chovanec, František Krasuľa, Pavol Kubáň, Jozef Krupa, Michal Kollár, Vladimír Kollár, Ondrej Kauka, Milan Krepelka, Ondrej Matúšek, Ján Nedoreščík, Ján Nábočík, Jaroslav Pektor, Milan Ondreják, József Ropog, Ernest Šipoš, Alojz Samardák, Ján Šurina, Ján Šutek, Peter Šeling, Ladislav Špaňo, Ervín Sorger, František Török, Alojz Turčák, Milan Vojčík, Ján Vrábel


Albert Marenčin, Anton Krajčovič, Štefan Koller, Zsuzsa Vicze, Horia Popescu, Dušan Brodanský, Aurelia Baciu, Istvánné Hermann, György Pintér, Nicolae Teodoru, Gejza Maráky, Tibor Dimény, Gheorghe Löve, Fridrich Urban, Oskar Havlík, Boldizsár Simonka, Constantin Burat, Jiří Hlošek, László Lénárt, Sigismund Klein, Andrej Šufliarsky, Ferenc Kósa, Ferenc Kósa, Sándor Csóori, Sándor Sára, Cornel Ţăranu, Éva Kármentő

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uprising, 16th century

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