Zodiac (2014)
Title: Zodiac
Release Date: 2014-08-16
Genres: Science Fiction, TV Movie
Runtime: 89 minutes
Status: Released
The Signs are Everywhere
Watch Zodiac full movie for free. Released in 2014, Zodiac movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Global disasters begin to occur after archaeologists unearth a 2,000-year-old astrology artifact. A rogue scientist is the key to deciphering the artifact to avert the end of the world.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Zodiac a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Joel Gretsch, Aaron Douglas, Reilly Dolman, Emily Holmes, Andrea Brooks, Ben Cotton, Christopher Lloyd, Doug Chapman, Russell Roberts, Raf Rogers, Wolfgang Klassen, Jessica Storm Smith
W.D. Hogan, David Sanderson, Gilles LaPlante, Michael Neilson, Anthony C. Metchie, Christopher A. Smith, Candice Elzinga, Chad Krowchuk, Phil Schmidt, Tanya Lipke, Tom Berry, Lisa M. Hansen, Paul Hertzberg, Costa Vassos, Amanda Imeson, Janie MacKay, Stephanie Brown, Shaun Moskie, Tim Sereda, Daren Luc Sasges, Jonathan Bonder, Ian Robinson, Michael Walls, Mack Benz, Leen Issa, Francois Latremoille, Thierry Latremoille, Glenn Ennis, Ryan Ennis, Cameron Hilts, Jordon Baker, Corey Jacques, Vince Laxton, Gabriel Medina, Mikah Sharkey, Jason W Thompson, Jason Toth, Duncan Vogel, Brad Whitlock, Guillermo Álvarez Villaescusa, Erin Kirtay, Patrick Costelloe, Adam Driscoll, Seán Travers, Lindsay Moffat, Karly Stilling, Erin Kirtay, Natalya Lazarich
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