The Cohasset Snuff Film (2012)
Title: The Cohasset Snuff Film
Release Date: 2012-10-31
Genres: Horror, Crime, Thriller
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
No one took him seriously. They do now.
Watch The Cohasset Snuff Film full movie for free. Released in 2012, The Cohasset Snuff Film movie was made with a budget of $50,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In 2009, the small town of Cohasset, Massachusetts was rocked with tragedy. A 17-year-old high school senior named Collin Mason murdered three classmates. All the murders were videotaped and uploaded to the Internet via bit torrent sites and for three days, the world viewed the murders of these three innocent teens. Through legal action, the parents of the victims were able to remove all footage from the Internet and the town tried to save face by pretending it never happened. Bootleg copies of this footage are still passed around and downloaded through illegal means. The impact of this video is still being felt in Cohasset today. The video has become infamous, and is now referred to as The Cohasset Snuff Film.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Cohasset Snuff Film a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Bill Shafer, Chad Addison, Becky T. Bordo, Daniel Button, Christina Desiere, Rick Dumont, Jordan Elizabeth, Jackie B. Fabian, Debby Gerber, Jason Inman, Kat Johnston, Stephen Marrero, Kevin A. McCarthy, Richard Miraan, Tiffani Ohnemus, Maria Olsen, Amra Ricketts, Rachel Speth, Darrell Stanton, Kelly Marie Tran, Karrie Whitfield, Vanessa Wolf, Stephen Wu
Edward Payson, Kevin A. McCarthy, Edward Payson, David Kingsley, Atlas Mason, Derek B. Griffith, Mark Behar, Edward Payson, Darnell J. Taylor, Barry Buck Goldstein, Kevin A. McCarthy, Christian Lownds, Jeremy McGovern, Joseph Pozo, Erick von Schulz, Gene Shaw, Marcus Bradford, Darnell J. Taylor, Gene Shaw, Todd Plesco
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high school, small town, massachusetts, snuff, alcoholism, mockumentary, murder, serial killer, high school student