Samson and Gideon (1965)
Title: Samson and Gideon
Release Date: 1965-01-01
Genres: Adventure, History
Runtime: 101 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Samson and Gideon full movie for free. Released in 1965, Samson and Gideon movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Samson and Gideon a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Rosalba Neri, Anton Geesink, Ivo Garrani, Fernando Rey, Luz Márquez, Paolo Gozlino, Ana María Noé, Maruchi Fresno, Giorgio Cerioni, Piero Gerlini, Lucio De Santis, Sergio Ammirata, Barta Barri, José Jaspe, Consalvo Dell'Arti, Beni Deus, Mirko Ellis, Pepe Martín
Marcello Baldi, Francisco Pérez-Dolz, Ottavio Jemma, Flavio Niccolini, Marcello Baldi, Tonino Guerra, Toni Di Carlo, Teo Usuelli, Marcello Masciocchi, Giuliana Attenni, Sigfrido Burman, Ottavio Scotti, Arrigo Breschi, Adolfo Cofiño, Giorgio Desideri, Alberto De Rossi, Giannetto De Rossi, Francisco Ramón Ferrer, Cesare Gambarelli, José María Alonso Pesquera, Miguel Fernández de Prada, Vittorio Galiano, Diego Gómez Sempere, José López Rodero, Flavio Niccolini, Renato Rizzuto, Giorgio Pallotta, Dino Galiano, Vitantonio Ricci, Luciano Vittori, Salvador Gil, José Antonio Hoya, Otello Spila, Ubaldo Terzano, Lucia Coos, Alberto Zedda, Ricardo Huertas, Rometta Pietrostefani
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