Slumber Party Massacre III (1990)
Title: Slumber Party Massacre III
Release Date: 1990-09-07
Genres: Horror, Comedy
Runtime: 87 minutes
Status: Released
It's Driller Time... And This Bits For You!
Watch Slumber Party Massacre III full movie for free. Released in 1990, Slumber Party Massacre III movie was made with a budget of $350,000 and has earned $1,242,995 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After a hard day of volleyball at the beach, a teen whose parents are away decides to have a slumber party with her girlfriends. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but a stranger from the beach is also seen lurking around the house. Soon the group begins experiencing an attrition problem.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Slumber Party Massacre III a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Keely Christian, Brittain Frye, Maria Ford, Hope Marie Carlton, Brandi Burkett, Maria Claire, David Greenlee, Yan Birch, David Kriegel, Michael Harris, Garon Grigsby, David Lawrence, Devon Jenkin, Wayne Grace, Alexander Folk, Marta Kober, Lulu Wilson, Ron Smith
Jürgen Baum, Sally Mattison, Catherine Cyran, Jamie Sheriff, Catherine Cyran, Wally Pfister, Debbie Lynn Ross, Roger Corman, Tim Amyx, Sandra Araya Jensen, Stephanie Lytar, Dean Jones, Starr Jones, Desne J. Holland, Juan Mas, Chris Edmonds, Jeremy Stanford, Merritt Yohnka, Patrick J. Statham, Marshall Adams, Jeffrey Porter
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