Laundry (2002)
Title: Laundry
Release Date: 2002-02-28
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 126 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Laundry full movie for free. Released in 2002, Laundry movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman with internal scars.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Laundry a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Yosuke Kubozuka, Koyuki, Kenichiro Tanabe, Katsumi Muramatsu, Kazue Tsunogae, Risa Nishimura, Hana Kino, Takashi Naito, Miho Miyazawa
Junichi Mori, Junichi Mori, Shuji Abe, Chikahiro Ando, Toru Horibe, Etsuko Minagawa, Yasuo Masuhiro, Keiichiro Moriya, Tsutomu Takano, Hiroshi Matsuo, Yasutaka Otsuka, Noriyuki Nishimura, Kōzō Shibazaki, Zentaro Watanabe, Takashi Sasaki
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