Do It for Uncle Manny (2002)

Do It for Uncle Manny

Title: Do It for Uncle Manny

Release Date: 2002-03-06

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 88 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Do It for Uncle Manny full movie for free. Released in 2002, Do It for Uncle Manny movie was made with a budget of $325,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Struggling actor Danny and his pal Stuart are ready to rock the L.A. nightlife -- with help from a Rolls Royce and Rolex "borrowed" from Stuart's uncle Manny, a big-time producer. But plans go awry when the boys meet the too-good-to-be-true Jenny.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Do It for Uncle Manny a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Kari Wuhrer, Adam Baratta, Shane Edelman, Fredric Lehne, George Wyner, Paul Mazursky, Danny Trejo, Colin Mochrie, Danny Nucci, John Pinette, Angelica Bridges, Louie Anderson, Barry Wiggins, Carmine Caridi, April Lassiter, Ross King, Dennis Singletary, Michael Risley, Angelo Vacco, Jeff Vonder Haar, Jennifer Sommerfeld, Corbin Timbrook, T.J. McCormack, Larry Newman, Cynthia Palmer, Kelli Brook, Rebecca Mary, Tamie Sheffield, Freddy Milaccio, Roger J. Forker, Alex Pearl, Rita Flora


Anthony P. Baratta, Larry Schapiro, Alex Pearl, Manny Sarris, Jon Scheinberg, Paul Sergi, Daniel Voltz, Paul Glenn Cawley, Michael Saruwatari, Dominic Aluisi, Eddie Garcia, Don Thomas, Justin Alley, Charles Forsch, Josh Luchs, Ross King, Mike Nickles, Cezanne Farris-Gilbert, Will Shivers, Scott Igoe, Patrick Burke, Jessica Musicar, Mitsutaka Nakamura, Roger J. Forker, Brad Morrison, Ari Halpern, James Grayford, Michael Saruwatari, Akiko Matsumoto, Christine Campbell, Shirley Nichols, Kumiko Sato, Kanako Nishimura, Melanie Butler, Jason Guyan, Alex Deerr, Stuart T. Lillas, Elizabeth Jurado, Alice Guinan, Tommaso Colognese, Tarin Anderson, Lynne Braggs, Audrey Ward, Howard Heard, Madla Hruza, Christopher Rife, Joy Czerwonky, Dino Ladki, Victoria Burrows, Adam Baratta, Brian Baugh, Adam Baratta

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