Amira & Sam (2014)
Title: Amira & Sam
Release Date: 2014-05-30
Genres: Drama, Romance, Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
The only place they belong is together
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Sam, a soldier who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq, meets Amira when he visits her uncle, Bassam, who had served as Sam's Iraqi translator. Bassam and Sam have a special bond due to their time together in the war. Initially Amira does not trust him because he was an American soldier and her brother was killed by a bomb from American troops in the war. Sam's cousin, Charlie, asks Sam to help him with illegal hedge funds unbeknownst to Sam at the time. Amira is staying with her uncle Bassam since her father died. She sells bootlegged films on the street corner but is forced to stay with Sam after getting busted; immigration officials begin pursuing her. As the film progresses, Sam and Amira fall in love.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Amira & Sam a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Martin Starr, Dina Shihabi, Paul Wesley, Laith Nakli, David Rasche, Ross Marquand, Daniel Fox, Alexis Hughes, Alexandra O'Halleran, Rasha Zamamiri, Sean Mullin, Meg Gibson, Robert C. Kirk, James Chen, Christian A. Paluck, Christopher Stadulis, John Leslie Wolfe, Taylor Wilcox, Claire Byrne, Jolie Mullin, Mark Elliot Wilson, Teddy CaƱez, Bruce Davis, Melissa Navia, Elizabeth Vereshko, Ben Cole
Sean Mullin, Sean Mullin, Billy Hopkins, Daniel Vecchione, Sara K. White, Donna Maloney, Julian Robinson, Heather McIntosh, Matt Miller
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immigrant, iraq, iraq war veteran, veteran, hedge fund, afghanistan veteran