Barn Burning (1980)

Barn Burning

Title: Barn Burning

Release Date: 1980-03-17

Genres: Drama, TV Movie

Runtime: 41 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Barn Burning full movie for free. Released in 1980, Barn Burning movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Ab Snopes (Tommy Lee Jones) is a Southern tenant farmer whose unrelenting and violent nature proves to be his undoing in William Faulkner's Barn Burning. Snopes sets his employer's barn on fire when he thinks he's been treated unfairly. His son, Sarty, is horrified. Snopes escapes justice for lack of proof, but he and his family are told to move on. No sooner do they move than Snopes is offended by his new rich employer. Torn between trying to win his father's acceptance and his aversion to what his father will do, Sarty must make a decision and act quickly. Adapted by Academy Award winning screenwriter Horton Foote, Faulkner's complex world of class divisions and hostile family relationships comes to life through a boy's attempt to liberate himself from hatred and poverty.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Barn Burning a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tommy Lee Jones, Diane Kagan, Shawn Whittington, Carolyn Coates, Michael Riney, Jennie Hughes, Julie Kaye Fanton, Al Scott, Tom Royals, Jimmy Faulkner, Jean Pettigrew, Thomas Hal Phillips, James Franks, Simpson Hemphill, Henry Fonda


Patrizia von Brandenstein, William Faulkner, Elizabeth Swados, Ken Golden, Peter Sova, Jay Freund, Robert Pusilo, Calvin Skaggs, Robert Geller, Horton Foote, Walter Rearick, Peter Werner

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