Two Mothers for Zachary (1996)
Title: Two Mothers for Zachary
Release Date: 1996-09-22
Genres: Drama, TV Movie
Runtime: 96 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Two Mothers for Zachary full movie for free. Released in 1996, Two Mothers for Zachary movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A grandmother sues her daughter for custody of her grandson, because she believes that her daughter's homosexuality renders her unfit for motherhood.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Two Mothers for Zachary a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Valerie Bertinelli, Vanessa Redgrave, Colleen Flynn, James Gammon, Michael Marich, Kim Dickens, Brett Brock, Cynthia Dorn, Tony Frank, Barbara George-Reiss, Sheila Gordon, Alexandria Hunter, Bill Kaiser, Barbara Lasater, Dennis Letts, Marietta Marich, Brian McGuire, Randy Means, Toby Metcalf, Jill Parker-Jones, Marco Perella, Lou Perryman, Steven Chester Prince, Larry Randolph, Adam Rehmann, Steve Shearer, Cliff Stephens, Joe Stevens, Ramsey Williams
Peter Werner, Peter Rodgers Melnick, Martin Nicholson, Barbara Haberecht, Neil Roach, Timothy Marx, Cary Brokaw, Randy Robinson, Linda Voorhees, Molly Lopata, Barbara Brinkley, Timothy Marx, Katy Emde, Vincent Palmo Jr., Tom Kageff, Holly Gent, Karen Ruth Getchell, Brad Uecker, Susan Abrams, Jill M. Ohanneson, Nina Proctor, Gigi Coker, Kelly Nelson, Patricia A. Fullerton, Eric A. Williams, Jimmy Lindsey, Anthony Martin, Jennifer Murphy, David A. Smith, Jon H. Lewis, Ferrell A. Shinnick, Craig Byrom, Jenny C. Patrick, Michael Leonard, Byron Scott Thomas, John V. Burson, Harry Thompson, Richard Taylor, David E. Fluhr, Don Digirolamo, Elmo Ponsdomenech, Ed Kalnins, Tony Kadell, Dara A. Gray, Cecil D. Evans, Ronald D. Chambers, Toni Cobb Brock, Jonathan Hennessey, Martha Waters, Marlene O. Nichols, Kerri Smeltzer
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