An Argentinian in New York (1998)
Title: An Argentinian in New York
Release Date: 1998-05-21
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 95 minutes
Status: Released
Watch An Argentinian in New York full movie for free. Released in 1998, An Argentinian in New York movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
An Argentinian girl, about to turn 18, leaves on a study trip to New York, and then decides to stay there. Her caring father goes after her to get her back before her mother can get too worried.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made An Argentinian in New York a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Guillermo Francella, Natalia Oreiro, Diana Lamas, Jessica Schultz, Boris Rubaja, Cristina Alberó, Miguel Guerberof, Gabriel Goity, Fernando Siro, María Valenzuela, Kris Carr, Steve Wilson, James Yaker, James Yaker, Roberto Antier, Ana Celentano, Omar Fajardo, Gonzalo Senestrari, Magali Velasco, Julieta Nair Calvo, Claudio Garófalo, Ademar Marabert, Ademar Marabert, Jesse Means, Jesse Means, Preston Thomas Peet, Nikaury Rodriguez, Hope Adams, Yeshi Amao, Juan Enrique Martinez, Sarah Rose, Tara McKee
Juan José Jusid, Cristina Civale, Sara Kugelmass, Margarita Jusid, Juan Carlos Lenardi, Kristen Couchot, Federico Jusid, Graciela Maglie
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