It Grows on Trees (1952)
Title: It Grows on Trees
Release Date: 1952-09-02
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 84 minutes
Status: Released
The wonderful story of a wish come true!
Watch It Grows on Trees full movie for free. Released in 1952, It Grows on Trees movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery shipment by mistake. They turn out to be money trees. After initial problems, Polly decides to spend the money.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made It Grows on Trees a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Irene Dunne, Dean Jagger, Joan Evans, Richard Crenna, Edith Meiser, Les Tremayne, Malcolm Lee Beggs, Frank Ferguson, Bob Sweeney, Dee Pollock, Forrest Lewis, Sandy Descher, Thurston Hall, Jimmie Dodd
Leonard Praskins, Barney Slater, Arthur Lubin, Jack Gertsman, Milton Carruth
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